Tuesday, July 15, 2008

First Day

Monday was the first time that I have ever posted something on a wiki. Even though it was only for this class, it looks like it is something that I could use for all my classes at OHS. It would be nice for kids to be able to communicate with me and the rest of their classmates and this might be a way of opening the lines of communication.

The neatest thing I found while digging around was a link to something called "23 things on a stick". This was an activity that gave people 23 tasks related to using and learning about Web 2.0 tools. I am too late to join the contest (and since I don't work for a library would probably not be eligible anyway), but I might try to go through these tasks just to get some more experience in using these tools.



Sara Horne said...

I looked at the 23 things on a stick and it was a pretty cool site. People put a lot of time into that project.

Technology Empowerment said...

23 things on a stick sounds very interesting! Thank you for reminding me about Web 2.0 yesterday; I had forgotten to include that in my reflections.

On a side note ... I hope OHS has acclimated to Dr. Don Johnson. We miss him at DEHS!

Chad Bray said...

23 things on a stick sounds interesting. I'm going to have to check it out. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Thanks for bringing it back up to my attention. Good list of things to do.