Thursday, July 17, 2008

Day 4

On-line learing was one of the main reasons I took this class. The wide variety of content and curriculum out there is amazing. It is also disappointing to see how much crap is out there as well. I suppose that it is just like everything else on the internet - some good, a lot of bad.

The amount of time needed to develop high quality materials to be used in on-line courses seems to more than I have available to me. It will be a challenge to come up with something that I can teach on-line and make it interesting enough to attract students.

I think the primary reason our district wants to develop on-line courses was to keep our kids from going elsewhere and to attract kids from other districts to take classes from us so we can keep and get more money.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad you could see what is involved. I am afraid our administrators are generally uninformed about online. They think if you have taught a class f2f, what would be the problem putting it online? Seeing the purchased curriculum really shows the amoung of time and money put into developing really interactive curriculum.